To experiment with podcasting, I've started a second blog, "Dos Goyishe Kol."
Podcasting is sort of like audio blogging. It's Tivo for radio.
The address is, but going directly to it won't do you a whit of good. If you want to hear the entries, you need software that understands podcasts.
Luckily for me, that includes
Bloglines, my web-based news reader.
I'm guessing that other news readers, like Sage, will work, too, but I don't know that.
If you haven't played with podcasts yet, here's a cartoon of how it works.
Start by adding a podcast to your list of news channels. As new broadcasts are added to that channel, they'll appear, newest on top, just like any other blog. Clicking on the link, however, launches your audio player, so it comes pouring out your speakers. Alternatively, it can pour onto your hard disk, ready for download into your MP3 player. Like, for example, your ipod.
Just like text blogs, it looks like you can either make the audio content yourself, or you can just link to other folks' audio content. Right now, I'm an essayist in my text blog, but a linker in podcasts. Go figure.