Saturday, April 30, 2005

Today, Saigon, Tomorrow Warshundun.

On the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, uh, Ho Chi Minh City, we pause to celebrate those who helped it fall.

Typical estimates for death tolls after the Communist takeover:
  • 65,000 executions
  • 250,000 deaths at sea of boat people trying to escape
  • a million sent to internment camps, and 165,000 deaths in those camps.
A visiting Vietnamese, on learning that I was a Marine Viet vet, said she was glad I'd survived. I replied that I was glad she had, too.

Next time you go out to that nice, little Vietnamese restaurant, remember that a quarter of a million boat people died trying to escape Uncle Ho's welcoming embrace. Four times that number succeeded. If it hadn't been for brave, self-sacrificing, heroes like Jane Fonda, you'd have to eat Mexican, or something.