Google Maps meets Craig's List
Here's an AJAX app that lets you look through classifieds for stuff near you.
A man, a canal, Panama * :דער גױיִשעקאָפּ
Here's an AJAX app that lets you look through classifieds for stuff near you.
Benjamin Franklin wrote to Joseph Priestley (discoverer of oxygen), advocating the idea of making a two-column list, of Pros and Cons, to help make difficult decisions.
My Great Uncle, Pat Garrett, was married to Apoloniaria Gutierrez.
Now there's an API for the personalized Google Home Pages.
Jo, Tim, Nan, and their friends in Portland can all use this. For the rest of us, it'll be a while.
Some new google-based apps can be found at this site. Nothing earth-shattering, but food for thought.
Why aren't King Midas and King Croseus on The this list? Because they're not fictional!
Now that I'm Christmas shopping, what I keep wanting to see is a charitable organization that lets me give the gift of ordnance.