Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Creme de la Creme of Online Rage

Sometimes, misery really does love company. It's nice to know there are sites I can go to when I've had one of those days with one of those companies.

Forbes begins, Sometimes it seems that shoddy products and atrocious customer service go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

(Hat tip to Slashdot.)

The author continues:

"The following nine sites--there were ten, but one went unexpectedly dark during the editing of this story--are the crème de la crème of online rage. Note that we substantially cleaned up some of the posts, editing out odd capitulation schemes, iffy grammar and plain incoherence. Apparently blinding anger does not go hand in hand with dotting your i's and crossing your t's."

I was trying to figure out what Forbes would consider an "odd capitulation scheme," but then I gave up.


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