I was going to pick some quote from this article about legal aspects of calendars, but it's too hard to pick just one.
A man, a canal, Panama * :דער גױיִשעקאָפּ
I was going to pick some quote from this article about legal aspects of calendars, but it's too hard to pick just one.
Is Baumol's cost-disease responsible for the increasing cost of the education industry? Are teachers just performers?
Shades of the hydra: when one head is cut off, two more grow to take its place.
Sister Jo says, regarding art cars, "It's cheaper to glue than to paint."
The seldom-mealy-mouthed Ron Coleman correctly labels this thug a payaso, here.
The News Buckit answers to an InstaPunk question: how often to blogs on the left and right use George Carlin's "7 Dirty Words"?