George Gershwin
The man wrote music.
From his Wikipedia entry:
Upon meeting composer Maurice Ravel, Gershwin asked him of the possibility of becoming a student of composition under the master. Ravel is said to have replied, "Why should you be a second-rate Ravel when you can be a first-rate Gershwin?"and
He also asked Igor Stravinsky for lessons; when Stravinsky heard how much Gershwin earned, he replied "How about you give me some lessons?"At the age of 38, "Gershwin began to complain of blinding headaches, and a recurring impression that he was smelling burned rubber."
He began psychiatric treatment. His psychoanalyst explained that it was a problem with Gershwin's "psychic reality." Gershwin didn't have to listen to this nonsense for long before the brain tumor killed him.
Happy birthday, George.